Nothing has really changed since last post. I am still on the fence about turning the big 3-0! I am not a huge watcher of The Real, mostly because I do not have TV, but this clip has me thinking about the subject of what happens when you actually turn 30. Start at 3:41.
Are the 20s just a chaotic mess? Will I just have this magical moment of zen and care less about others opinions? I am not sure but this clip keeps going in my head. More on this as we move along in the next 5 months.
Are the 20s just a chaotic mess? Will I just have this magical moment of zen and care less about others opinions? I am not sure but this clip keeps going in my head. More on this as we move along in the next 5 months.
I am now freaking out about my physical ability to actually climb this mountain. I have been doing altitude acclimatization workouts, which basically consist of using weights during long cardio sessions to simulate being out of breath. Poor woman’s version of this type of training. How can I guarantee that this soon to be 30-year-old’s body won’t crap out on me? After traveling all that way, and all those savings that could have gone to our ‘family’ fund. I realized that I needed good footwear and fast. I will be doing the Machame Route (more on this in a later post) which is 7 days and over 30 miles of hiking.
My last pair of hiking boots I bought with a student discount at EMS [Eastern Mountain Sports](east coast version of REI- Recreational Equipment Inc.) prior to Peace Corps, which I am sad to say was over 5 years ago. Where has time gone?
My last pair of hiking boots I bought with a student discount at EMS [Eastern Mountain Sports](east coast version of REI- Recreational Equipment Inc.) prior to Peace Corps, which I am sad to say was over 5 years ago. Where has time gone?

We didn't sleep overnight but arrived by 6:20am on a Saturday morning and wow we were 5th in line, a line that wrapped around the entire store as the morning progressed. The doors opened and I felt stampeded. What an awful feeling to have people pushing and grabbing for stuff. The only way I could rationalize this experience was that maybe others were doing something major like me and needed gear, or just wanted extreme discounts. Either way it still felt weird. I went straight for the hiking boots and thought I found a good size 8 pushing my way through the crowd, a half size bigger than my normal size, but they didn't fit well. I grabbed these as a back up. Retail value: $200. Tag value: $95. The tag said worn once but the fit was too snug. With my thick hiking socks on these babies fit like a dream. Check off the list! We managed to get some other needed items- cheap hiking clothes. At checkout we were both surprised to find all hiking books were actually $49. Score!
If the shoes can make it, then I must be able to right?
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