will be the first to tell anyone interested in development, particularly fieldwork,
that it is not easy. While there are many reasons for this, one is the
toll it takes on your body and mind. Many development newbies from the west think
they can hack being in the field for extended periods of time without familiar
comforts. I
have been in development for almost 5 years and I can tell you it is not easy
on my body/mind. Most recently it has been difficult adjusting to a hardship
post. I have almost been working in Somalia a year and I am just getting
used to things like having armed guards accompany me on field visits/meetings
or random gunshots. Mentally, it is really tough to be away from my support
network. I do receive R&R (rest and recuperation) every 8 weeks, which does
help. The point is: a fieldworker has to be creative when thinking of self-care
and make it a priority. The first step is to say no to working on your
days off. Vegging out, defined as the art of doing nothing, is very important
to me in the field and since my compound has both our office and guesthouse, it
is tempting for my boss to ask me to work on designated weekends. It does
happen occasionally that I do have to work but I insist that fieldworkers do
not make this a regular habit.
The Mind/Body
the Web
Another relief for me is Skype as it gives me a
way to directly communicate with those I love. Make regular Skype dates with
loved ones! The one thing I tell newbies is to keep busy. On weekends in a
compound in Somalia, I do a number of things like writing blog posts and it
is cathartic. Another is following career blogs, namely ones in my field like
Aid Leap.
online trainings, like the new Sphere standards e-course,
is a great way to boost your resume for free while keeping up to date with
industry standards. On occasion a good webinar is very useful as well. Most
recently I submitted a practice note to an academic journal, Development in Practice, another great resume booster and anyone can submit. For fun I am
hoping to complete an online homeopathy training.
is so underrated in the field. Games, electronic or otherwise are also good.
When I first got to Somalia I had a hard time sleeping. Games help me to zone
out, resting my brain and allowing me to fall asleep quickly. Also I find that
free time is good to watch shows/movies. I have a weekly schedule of entertainment,
weather its shows or music/games and it really gives me something to look
forward to each day. Invest in a good external harddrive. Most recently I was allowed to use the office projector to
watch a show or movie and it really felt like having an at-home theater. Also, I recommend reading. The subject doesn’t matter or
the platform (online articles, Kindle, or hard copy), just read!
Your Choice
how you spend your time in the field is up to you. I am one of those people who
is always busy and cannot sit still. I have never understood the concept of
boredom. The tips I have given are just a few but the point is fieldworkers
must prioritize self-care if we are to be effective. There are plenty of
resources out there. Try some and I guarantee they will make your life all
around better.